Report for Friday, Oct 30th

Okay, time for movie reviews. The only movie opening wide today is Come Play. About an autistic boy who spends most of his time on his I-Pad. When he tells his folks, teacher and friends he has a new friend named Larry, that he can only see through his I-Pad, But nobody believes him. Turns out Larry is no friend, he’s a skeleton monster! All of a sudden everybody believes Larry and all of a sudden, everybody is terrified of the new friend. It’s a huge boo in the dark. I liked it (3 Stars).

I’ve been reviewing the Top 5 documentaries that have the best chance of winning an Oscar. Today, My Octopus Teacher. This is about a South African man who everyday for a year scuba dived in the freezing South Atlantic off the South African coast and on his tenth day comes in contact with a wild octopus. And they become good friends. The octopus touches him, they swim together even watches his 8 legged pal hunt and mate. With 99% of the footage shot under water it’s visually it’s spectacular (2 ½ Stars).

One documentaries on the drawing board is about a new surge of mass murders in California. All about undocumented folks from Laos and Cambodia who are growing illegal marijuana farms in remote California areas and the wars with gangs from Laos, Mexico and Cambodia who forcibly take over the farms. Just last month in Riverside, seven Laos family farmers were found murdered, mowed down by machine guns. … And releasing next year, the documentary about a great guy I had the pleasure to meet, who sang Watch out where the huskies go and Don’t eat that Yellow Snow, the great Frank Zappa, A true music genius.

Finally, today, the original Jerry’s Famous Deli in Studio City on Ventura Boulevard is closing! I’ve been eating there for decades. The deli of the stars, I have seen the Seinfeld cast eating there while doing a table read, Will Smith, Mila Kunis, Adam Sandler, Beyonce, Scarlett Johansson and Shia Labeouf. Bye bye, so long, farewell Jerry’s Deli.


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