Report for Monday, Sept 28th

Hot love scoop age, Brad Pitt (56) tells friends his 27 year old girlfriend is one of the best things that ever happened to him. Since she’s married to a 78 year old and stand to inherit millions, she can’t and doesn’t want to marry Brad, Brad says great.  

TV News: If you missed the new Fargo on FX last night, you catch it on Hulu tonight. … On Netflix Wednesday night is the debut of the movie, The Boys in the Band. Starring Jim Parsons, Matt Quinto and Charlie Carver. A 1968 surprise birthday party with seven longtime gay high school buddies and one buddy who is straight talk about old times and then talk openly about the joy, fears, surprises and secrets they never mentioned. (4 Stars). … MORE 3 STARS and available on demand and featured on Amazon Prime anytime is, Stuntwomen: The Untold Hollywood Story. Fabulous history, interviews, and insights of the incredible, brave stunt women. Hosted by Michelle Rodriguez, It’s a must see. … This Is Us started shooting their new season over the weekend and some shocking surprises. A huge re-write has taken place since Mandy Moore is pregnant in real life.

Odds and Ends: First word that several of the California fires were intentionally set, now word that the huge Trinity Pines fire has destroyed 30% of the California pot crop and speaking of pot, new studies say women who smoked during pregnancy may have children suffering from psychotic behavior, mental disabilities and organ malfunctions. … This is an odd one, bumped into Hunt and Tony Sales over the weekend, the brothers are great musicians, Hunt a drummer, Tony a bass player, who were in David Bowie, Todd Rundgren and Iggy Pop’s bands. And they are the sons of, Soupy Sales. How’s that?

Prison News: Harvey Weinsleaz is sleeping on a cot, 2 meals a day, and was recently moved to the hospital ward, reportedly suffering from complications of diabetes. … Then there’s Bernie Madoff who has just finished 10 years of a 150 year sentence and his request for clemency to Trump was denied without Trump even reading it. 


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