Report for Friday, Sept 11th

We start with another sad, I told you so. Earlier in the week, as predicted here months ago, news that more women have come forward charging sexual assault by Cuba Gooding Jr. … A year ago I said, despite Kevin Spacey hiding out overseas, he has more problems in the future. Yesterday there were accusations of Kevin sexually assaulted two 14 year old boys. Stay Tuned.

It’s Movie Review Friday and we start off with, The Babysitter: Killer Queen. The film starts with a flashback and our hero played by Judah Lewis, being attacked by his babysitter and her satanic cult friends are out to kill him. He survives but nobody believes his story. Move ahead two years and now in high school, our hero and his girlfriend are out for a weekend of partying when the Babysitter and friends return for more killing. This is a very goofy, very funny and kinda scary film. Not great but entertaining (3 Stars). 

You’ll have to wait till October 9th for John Lennon’s 80th birthday and find it on demand for, Meeting the Beatles in India. This is a great documentary shot by a 22 year old Canadian cameraman who just happened to be in India in 1968 when the Beatles and The Beach Boys were visiting Ravi Shankar. The cameraman, Paul Saltzman captured some incredible conversations and remarkable relationships with all the Beatles. He came home, put the film in the attic and forgot about it until his daughter reminded him of them. Best Beatles documentary ever made (4 Stars).

Odds and Ends: Drew Barrymore says she was not mis-quoted, she promises she’ll never get married again. She has been, has two children and says she has no more use for men now. … How’s California doing? Well, people are moving out by the thousands, the Santa Ana winds are spreading over 150 fires. It’ll be in the 100’s all weekend. And the State is warning of possible emergency gas, property, sales, income and luxury taxes may have to be raised. Oh yeah they’ll be blackouts all weekend and restaurants are closed.


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