Report for Friday, Aug 28th

Love Nuggets: Daisy Dove, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s baby checked in at 9:22 A.M. Wednesday morning, but they are already having a parenting disagreement. Katy wants to share pictures and info on Daisy, Orlando wants to keep it private. It will be private. … Brad Pitt’s family in Springfield, Missouri say 56 year old Brad is dating 26 year old German model Nicole Poturalski but it’s not serious and you can take that to the bank.

Movie Friday: Opening today, New Mutants. A creepy, poorly shot, written and acted horror movie about four young mutants held in a remote Psych Hospital, if you want to call it that. While being kept on acid and on other hallucinogenics, they have to escape and you’ll try to escape the theatre if you go see this junk! (1 ½ Stars). … And while, Tenet, is another bad movie, Unhinged and Words on Bathroom Walls are fabulous movies and worth the price. Better movies will open next week.

But wait there’s more, Hard Kill, starring Bruce Willis is streaming. This movie is so hard to watch, you’ll want to kill yourself after seeing it. This is one of the worst movies ever made. One that you wonder while being shot, why somebody didn’t say stop! This is hideous, what are we doing? It’s embarrassing, we’re peeing on ourselves! (0 Stars). 

TV News: Earlier in the week I told you how the major networks are moving away from comedies. Here is the just released CBS Schedule. Blue Bloods, Love Island: More to Love, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, Big Brother, a drama called, Manhunt, Star Trek Discovery, Greatest Home Videos, FBI Declassified, Amazing Race and one comedy called, One Day at a Time.

Odds and Ends: Sean Penn’s been doing a lot of eating since the Coronavirus, gained 40 pounds. … Britney Spears sister Jamie will take over Britney’s conservatorship from their dad. … And Cameron Diaz has a new line of clean healthy wine, but it tastes like urine.


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