Report for Wednesday, Aug 26th

Some show biz business, I get e-mails everyday from young people wanting to get in the biz. If you or anybody you know are seriously interested in becoming an actor, director, producer, sound tech, cinematography, art director, special effects or any other related part of the biz, the top 5 colleges for the industry are #5 UCLA, #4 Columbia, #3 NYU, #2 USC and #1 American Film Institute.

TV News: Amazon Prime has a great five part documentary called, The Last Narc, (4 Stars). … Don’t forget September 1st, that’s next week, Robin’s Wish, a must see documentary of Robin Williams last days before his suicide. On demand September 1, next Tuesday.

I love Britbox, a great new streamer featuring shows from England. (4 Stars). … CBS, FOX, NBC and ABC have in large part stopped ordering comedies. Unless it’s the Office, Seinfeld, or Big Bang, comedies rarely make money. And comedies only make real money if there are 100 or more episodes so it can segue into syndication.

Odds and Ends: Doctors now say even more dangerous for Coronavirus victims than being diabetic or having heart problems is being obese, thought you should know. … Most paranoid Coronavirus celebrities who wear double masks and gloves are Chris Martin, Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban and Barbra Streisand. … The smoke from the 38 out of control California fires is now reaching Kansas. And one more problem, firefighters say they have to fight the fires as much as looters. … Here in time for Christmas, Jennifer Lopez will unveil her new skin care product. … And Hailey Bieber is about to be named the new Levi girl, hey she has a great butt. … Disney Plus is going to spend a ton of money on their huge reboot of Home Alone. … In case you missed it, two new streets are named after celebs, Kobe Bryant Drive in LA, and the Aretha Franklin Memorial Highway in Michigan.

NY Post Headline: Over the shameful story about Liberty Christian College president, Jerry Falwell Jr. who likes to watch his wife have sex with other men while he watched. Headline screamed, “Harder They Falwell.”


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