Report for Wednesday, Aug 19th

First big Hollywood news, step back Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, Brad Pitt, Whoopi Goldberg, Seth Rogen, Miley Cyrus and Matthew McConaughey, according to publicist, the biggest pot smoker from morning to night is Madonna.

Usually I like bringing up an I told you so but not this one. I told you back on January 7th, that at least one more woman would be coming forward charging Cuba Gooding Jr. with rape, it happened yesterday and I understand there will be at least one more coming this year.

Yesterday it was TV News, today, Movie News, starting off with John Wicks. Wicks 4 and 5 are have been green lighted, with both films being shot at the same time. Keanu Reeves is attached and John Wick #4 will be released Summer 2022. … Years ago, Will Smith bought the life rights to Serena and Venus Williams father, Richard, how he molded his daughters into the super stars they became! However, the film entitled, King Richard is being cast and pre-production in progress, but now scoop is Will Smith is no longer attached as producer. What up? The film could be really great. … Movie news of a different type, Canadian Theaters were open last weekend and with a lot folks going to the movies. Biggest movie was Russell Crowe’s Unhinged, pulling $582,000 in 299 runs. As for us, 50% of theaters will open in 42 states next week. Followed by 75% opening the following week and everybody open come Labor Day.

Odds and Ends: Lori Loughlin and her husband will be sentenced for College-gate on Friday. My Prediction, she gets 75 days, he gets 4 months and $1 million fine. … California News, while the media made a big deal about rolling electricity blackouts that were canceled Monday, that’s just plain sheep dip. Canceled Monday but there will be many more before the summer is over. A friend in Palm Springs called to say, last week 100,000 people were texted and emailed that the next day their electricity would be turned off from 6 AM till 6 PM. That day it was 107 degrees, and there’s more to come. 


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