Report for Monday, July 27th

Hope you had a great weekend, some business we need to update since we last spoke. First, the passing of Regis Philbin. There’s never been a happier, more down to earth guy always with a smile and kind word. Died Saturday at the age of 88, may Reg rest in peace. … Also, Peter Green, the co-founder of Fleetwood Mac passed away at the age of the 73. Great writer and guitar player, who use to joke he took more LSD than any rocker.

Love Nuggets: Let me remind you that 6 months ago I told you Kim Kardashian was spotted at the office of a high profile L. A. divorce attorney. Since then Kanye has verbally attacked her, then he apologized for that attack but they have not spoken in over a week. Friday while in Wyoming, Kanye went to the ER, to get a drug refill for Xanax. And scoopage, Kanye has kept a diary for years and he may turn that into a book. … A new book is coming out about Whitney Houston saying she had lesbian affairs, wow! What’s other scoop, that she did drugs? Let the lady rest in peace and for the record who cares! … John Travolta is not doing well with the passing of his wife Kelly Preston, and there’s talk that Travolta may be leaving Scientology.

TV News: The return of MLB this weekend had the biggest ratings in the sports history. And #1, worst first pitch in history has been credited to Coronavirus expert Dr. Fauci. Pitch was closer to first base than home plate. Making up the rest of the worst 5 first pitch throwers #5 Snoop Dogg, #4 Mariah Carey, #3 Michael Jordan and #2 50 Cent. … Great TV show recommendation on Netflix, Love on the Spectrum. A Bachelor format with a dozen couples all suffer from Autism and other challenges but all looking for love. From Australia, it’s heartwarming, loving and humorous (4 Stars).

Final TV Nugget: #metoo has named The Assistant as the movie of the year, on Netflix w Julia Garner from Ozark. All about Hollywood and sexual abuse (4 Stars). 


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