Report for Thursday, July 23rd

Love Nuggets: Since Kanye has been so vocal this week, thought I’d bring up a nugget about Kanye everybody knows but nobody talks about, that would be Kanye wondering off the reservation for years while Kim just looked the other way. And, F.Y.I. the family has been trying to get Kanye mental treatment for years for his Bipolar Disorder. He refuses. … And just when you thought Kanye’s run for President could not get any more stupid, he offers Jay-Z $1 million to be his Vice President! Let me remind you Jay-Z hates Kanye so much, Jay-Z once walked out of a Laker game when he just heard Kanye might be in the building. And with both men worth $1 billion, did Kanye West really think Jay-Z would be impressed with his $1 million offer? Come on man. 

Book Recommendation: The Answer Is, the memoirs of Alex Trebek who turned 80 this week. Great stories about his growing up, his personal life and all the scoops behind Jeopardy. Alex says he’s had a great life and if this last cancer treatment doesn’t work, he’s fine with just letting go and moving on to whatever is next after life. And here’s a few more nuggets about Alex, he became a U.S. citizen in 1998, Raises thoroughbred horses, has a great wine label, he speaks English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian, he is called Hollywood’s most liked celebrity and has traveled over 10 million miles. One more thing, television networks are currently running the original Jeopardy shows from 1984 and the are fabulous. Check local listings over the next two weeks. 

The two most talked about movies are Emancipation and Leave The World Behind. Prediction, Emancipation will be the film that re-ignites Will Smiths career. Will plays the leader of some slaves that are on the run to freedom. You’ll see it on Apple TV. … And Leave The World Behind stars Julia Roberts as the mother of a family who rents a house from Denzel Washington in the middle of nowhere. When they lose electricity, water and internet, and start hearing sonic booms, their lives and the world changes. 


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