Report for Tuesday, June 23rd

Updated Love Nuggets: Regarding Justin Bieber being accused of sexually assaulting a girl in Austin in 2014. On that night, Bieber was with Selena Gomez all night long. Bieber keeps a very detailed diary and it shows he wasn’t even at the Four Seasons Hotel where the woman say’s it happened and even the manager and security confirm that. … On the other hand, there seems to be witnesses who have information that Ansel Elgort did sexually assault a 17 year old back in 2014. Stay tuned.

Book News: Despite being 87 years old, frail and in a wheel Chair, Larry King wants to write a book, entitled All I Know That I’ve Never Told. Could be very interesting. … And Paris Jackson and brother Prince are quietly shopping a book about their dad Michael. This is being kept quiet but publishers are taking meetings and could be a blockbuster.

Odds and Ends: Alec Baldwin has the green light for a film he will co-produce and star in. It’s a Western where Alec will play an outlaw gunslinger who comes out of hiding to stop his 13 year old grandson from being hanged. Sorry, don’t see Alec as a cowboy.

There’s been a green light for the documentary,  Jimmy Carter Rock and Roll President. Carter loved music and the documentary includes conversations with some of his favorite musicians such as Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Garth Brooks and others. … As you know, having worked for the New York Post, I love their creative and funny headlines. However yesterday’s headline wasn’t funny, just very very weird, Headline Screamed, “How N.Y.’s Hottest Sex Club Is Doing Socially Distancing Orgies.” How does that work?

If you ever get a chance to be near Victorville, California in the Mojave Desert, you need to checkout the Logistic Airport, the burial sight of old commercial jet aircrafts. Hundreds and hundreds of jumbo jets, wing to wing. And in the last two months another 150 jets have been flown there because of the coronavirus and lack of passengers. One of the most bizarre sights you will ever see.


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