Report for Tuesday, May 26th

Today’s Pop Quiz: According to Publicist, these are the four most obnoxious celebrities who are total has-beens but who is number one? Is it Steven Seagal, Heather Locklear, David Hasselhoff or Charlie Sheen?

Memorial Day and Love Nuggets: Yesterday Ben Affleck, his dog, 3 kids and his hot girlfriend Ana De Armas went to the beach and Ben spent more time hanging all all over Ana than playing with the kids or dog but you can’t blame him, have you seen Ana? … 33 year old Mary-Kate Olsen’s divorce of 50 year old, butt-head French banker Olivier Sarkozy is going to get ugly. First thing Olivier did was ordered her out of their home and changed their banking password. Her family begged her not to marry this clown. 

Must See TV: AKA Jane Roe, the true documentary of Roe-vs-Wade,on Hulu. … And Jeffrey Epstein, Filthy Rich, showing on Netflix. Both compelling, both shocking.

6 Odds and Ends: Amanda Bynes has spent 22 out of the last 36 months in treatment. But Amanda says she’s all well now and ready to finish her college career. Hope so. … More celebrities and college, Ron Howard’s daughter, Bryce Dallas got her Bachelors degree from NYU. Papa Ronnie always stressed getting an education to fall back on. Right. … Meanwhile Madonna spent the weekend on her social networks, flaunting and exposing photos of her 61 year old nipples and cellulite laden legs spread wide open. Obviously, Madonna has lost it. Come on man, cover up that junk. … Big Memorial Day for Eminem, March 25th  marked his 12th  year of sobriety, good for him. … Funny, Eva Longoria says her very first audition was playing a hooker and the director told her she was so good, if she didn’t make it acting, she should be a hooker.

New York Post Headline: After Biden went on the Black Format radio show and told listeners, “If you don’t vote for me you’re not black!” Post front page headline screamed, “Meet Joe Black.” 

Answer – #4 Heather Locklear, #3 Steven Seagal, #2 David Hasselhoff and #1 Charlie Sheen.


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