Report for Thursday, May 21st

Pop Quiz: According to Food and Wine Magazine, here is the new list of the best celebrity tippers, but who is the current best tipper? Is it Johnny Depp, Russel Crowe, Bill Murray or Drew Barrymore?

Coronavirus Updates: Just the facts, here are the W.H.O.’s Top 10 list of countries with the most Coronavirus deaths per million effective yesterday. Starting with the worst deaths per million #1 Belgium 794, #2 Spain 593, #3 Italy 529, #4 England 523, #5 France 421, #6 Sweden 363, #7 Netherlands 330,  #8 Ireland 318, #9 U.S.A. 275 and #10 Switzerland 221. Just the facts folks. … Tiger King’s most likely husband killer Carol Baskin is now selling Tiger face Coronavirus masks, word is they are cheap, don’t work and are completely  useless.

Good News Stuff: After hearing of the 338,000 signatures for his recall as L.A. Mayor, Garcetti has decided to start opening up L.A. … Ed Sheeran is giving millions of dollars to rebuild impoverish schools where he grew up. … And do you know who Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley are? They are the first American astronauts in years headed to the space station in a newly designed American spacecraft under the Space Force Flag. Scheduled to blast a week from today. 

Instant Pop Quiz: What do Alec Baldwin, Ashlee Simpson, Chris Pratt, Kevin Hart, Joaquin Phoenix and Joe Jonas all have in common? All having babies this summer. … From Births to a death on Sunday, Mel Gibson’s 101 year old father Hutton died, some will say 80 years too late. He loved Hitler, Hated all minorities, a monster human being.

TV News: Sunday ratings, #2 was between BBC America and AMC’s Killing Eve, 746,000 viewers, #3 was Billions with 568,000 viewers, #4 Mark Ruffalo’s series had 313,000. However #1 Sunday night was, The Last Dance, Michael Jordan’s Docu-series, 5.8 million viewers, slam dunk. 

Answer – #4 Drew Barrymore, #3 Bill Murray, #2 Russel Crowe and #1 Johnny Depp.

Tomorrow a list of the worst tippers!


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