Report for Tuesday, May 12th

This Week’s Pop Quiz Celebrity List: These are the four celebrities who lives in the most expensive homes, but who lives in the most expensive home? Is it George Lucas, Bill Gates, Oprah or George Clooney?

Nothing says love like babies and there’s been a lot during this Coronavirus in Hollywood, former Olympian and gold medal USA female soccer goalie Hope Solo had twins a couple weeks ago and says babies have changed her rough and belligerent attitude. And Carson Daly, another former KROQ co-worker became a dad for the fourth time. 

Coronavirus Stuff: There are a lot of various telethons for the cause, but a little history. The first telethon was to fight cancer back in 1949, the telethon was the brainchild of Milton Beryl, and at the time there was only 4 million televisions in the country. … Disney sent out letters to their annual members with mixed results, told the Orlando Park opens in July in stages but only first come first serve and in July’s scorching Florida heat, everybody must wear masks. Sounds miserable but no mosquitoes! Disney paid millions for those Carbon Dioxide machines that draws in mosquito and freezes them. 

Sports Shorts: With the Tiger/Payton versus Mickelson/Brady TV golf match coming up, Payton Manning says he’s worries that Tom Brady will find a way to cheat at golf. A MLB executive says with A-Rods steroid use and scandal he’d never be allowed to buy a team. 

And not to continue to beat that old nag, but the hits just keep on coming, as of yesterday there were over 3000 threads on twitter blasting Ellen DeGeneres, fans, waitresses, waiters, valets, co-workers even former friends coming out of the woodwork blasting her as, “a mean, hateful, rude jerk.” Been telling you that for years,

Answer – #4 Oprah lives on a 42 acre estate in Santa Barbara county costing $88 million, #3 George Lucas’s Sky Walker Ranch in Northern California cost $100 million, #2 George Clooney’s Italian Villa cost $105 million and #1 Bill Gates lives in a 66,000 Sq. Foot mansion in Medina, Washington, cost $127 million. 


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