Report for Thursday, May 7th

Todays Pop Quiz, according to Smithsonian, here’s the list of the four most important inventions of that last 150 years but what do they say is the most important? Is it light Bulb, the Internet, the computer or the car? 

Love Nuggets: Is It True, Simon Cowell had affairs with both Mel B and Heidi Klum? That’s what his girlfriend Lauren Silverman is saying. Simon says “No comment.”

Coronavirus Stuff: Celebrities keeping fit during the lock down, riding bikes everyday are Dennis Quaid, Zac Efron, Brad Pitt and Conan O’Brien. Jogging everyday are Drew Carey, Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds. Playing Tennis everyday are Ellen DeGeneres, Kylie Jenner and Tina Fey. Golfing everyday are Bill Murray, Joe Pesci, Snoop Dogg and Sharon Stone and finally Bill and Melinda Gates, Prince William and Kate Middleton all play Pickle ball.

All theaters in Australia are opening July 1st and regarding the poll I asked you yesterday whether you would go to a movie next weekend, I asked all my affiliates, with 24 folks said yes they would, 33 said no not yet. I’ll ask again in 2 weeks.

With all the new regulations and some civil liberties being violated, I’m reminded of what Ronald Reagan said. The nine most dangerous words in the English language are, I’m from the government, I’m here to help you.

Regarding that hair salon lady sent to jail, an appellate judge friend tells me that the Judge who sent her to jail unless she apologized, had no legal right to close her shop and trying to force her to apologize violated her right to remain silent. She’ll sue and she’ll win. … This will be another one of those, you heard it here first. 

TV News: Nick Cage won an Oscar for Leaving Las Vegas, has won many Razzies for the worst acting, however Nick predicts he will win his first Emmy for his next television project when he plays Joe Exotic in Tiger King series. Is there a TV Razzie? Huge TV event at 8PM EST tonight on ESPN, the NFL announces their official schedule.

Answer – #4 the Car, #3 the light bulb, #2 the computer and #1 the internet.


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