Report for Friday, May 1st

Odd Celebrity Pop Quiz Question: Name the celebrity who says he hates going out in public and never leaves home unless he has too. Say’s he lived his entire life in lock down mode, is it Ricky Gervais, Nick Cage, Garth Brooks or Robert Redford?

Another weekend with theaters closed, so three reviews of movies that are streaming. First, The Photograph. It’s called a comedy/drama/romance but it’s heavy on romance. I loved it. Her name is May, and when May’s mom, a famous photographer dies, May finds letters her Mom left her in a safety deposit box that has a lot more questions than answers. May falls in love and with the use of flashbacks of her mom it make for a great movie. Deep, funny, and all good (3 Stars). 

Next, A great documentary, The Beasty Boys Story. The beginning, the rise, the fall, the return and finally death. Both fun and the sorrows, directed Spike Jonze. Three best friends, all three the same, all three different, with a happy beginning and sad ending (4 Stars).

Finally, True History of the Kelly Gang. One of the most bloody, weird, bizarre films you’ll ever see. Better seen after a 6 pac or few glasses of wine first. Set in the woop woop outback of Australia, with crazy families, Irish rebels and plenty of chaos. The main characters played by George MacKay and Russell Crow. It’s an odd one, (2 ½ Stars). 

Celebrity Profile: Chrissy Metz, the plus size star of This Is Us, was an agent for nine years before becoming an actress. When the big day came, she was so broke she had to borrow the money for gas to get her to the This Is Us audition. Chrissy also insists she can sing better than act, and she proved it when she sang at the Oscars.  

And to end the week, the saddest NY Post front page headline I have ever seen. Small headline at the top, Dozens of bodies left in hot trucks amid Virus Crisis, huge headline underneath , “Dead Wronged.”

Answer – Ricky Gervais. 


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