Report for Tuesday, Apr 21st

This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, name the president who’s Secret Service code name was Searchlight. Is it George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Harry Truman or Richard Nixon?

Love it when I can tell you about celebrities who are stepping out and quietly going the extra mile to help the Coronavirus cause. Sandra Bullock who has paid for over $20,000 surgical masks for health care workers, Reese Witherspoon delivering groceries to food banks that have ran out, plus SNL Michael Che, donating food for N.Y. ambulance drivers.  Meanwhile, the pregnant Katy Perry and her fiancé Orlando Bloom appear to be the happiest couple in Hollywood. Saturday they were spotted at Target, Whole Foods then In and Out Burgers, all while wearing hazmat suits. Their baby girl is due fourth of July. 

Finally vindication. For a lot of my affiliates (like you) who have been with me for a lot of years will remember that 15 years ago while covering the Michael Jackson child molestation trial, I reported that after a day in court, Jacko jumped on top of his limo and did a dance, and when he jumped off the limo, his nose fell off. Nobody believed me. Well, Over the weekend, people who worked at the mortuary that prepared Michael for internment admitted, it was true, Jacko had a clip on nose.

Odds and Ends: Madonna’s been canceling concerts for months, she was scheduled to appear Saturday night on the TV Coronavirus charity show but she was a no show again.  

Sports Shorts: Day after tomorrow is the NFL draft, without the public. But expect a huge TV audience, and hopefully there will be a NFL football season. … In Los Angeles, they’re keeping sports alive by having great sports popularity quizzes. The latest, who was the best, Kobe or Jerry West and the other picks, Wooden versus Shaq.

Answer – Truman’s code name was The General, Obama’s code name was Renegade, George W. Bush’s code name was Trailblazer, but it was Richard Nixon’s code name that was Searchlight.


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