Report for Friday, Apr 17th

This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, a lot of us are ordering food for home delivery, according to USA Today, these are the 4 nationally best fastest delivery restaurants, but which is #1? Is it Chick-fil-A, Shake Shack, Five Guys or Chipotle?

Theaters are closed for now, but there are a bunch of movies out today on VOD, a.k.a.  video on demand. And I’m going to review the best and the worst of the week. The best is Abe. A 12 year old boy with a Jewish mother and a Muslim father and needless to say, it’s a constant battle. But Abe has his own passion and he’s obsessed with cooking. He wants to bring his family together with great food. Generations and culture conflicts come together in the kitchen. Abe is played brilliantly by Noah Schnapp who also starred in Stranger Things. (4 Stars).

Now the worst: Fantasy Island, a poorly written, poorly acted horror movie taken from the feel good television comedy. Only thing good about this is when it ends. Visitors to this Fantasy Island expect fun but are greeted by dumb, gory, ridiculous surprises. Question, can a movie get any worse? Ah, I don’t think so? (0 Stars). 

This is a tease, Video on Demand May 12th and Theatrical release when they’re open, Capone. And I think this could be as big as Godfather. Stars Tom Hardy as a 47 year old dementia ridden Al Capone, 12 years out of prison and haunted by all his evil past. Linda Cardellini and Matt Dillon also star. It is Capone.

While I’m at it, here are two more shows currently on Netflix that I highly recommend, both based on true stories, both are limited series. The first is called, Unbelievable, and it is unbelievable, a story about a serial rapist. (4 Stars). … Next, Innocence File, again a limited series, this one about cases of people who are accused, charged and convicted of crimes which they are not guilty. (4 Stars).

Answer – #4 Chipotle, #3 Shake Shack, #2 Five Guys and #1 Chick-fil-A.

Be safe, talk to you Monday.


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