Report for Thursday, Apr 16th

This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, according to Billboard, these were Michael Jackson’s 4 best works, but what is #1? Is it Thriller, Beat It, Man In The Mirror or Billie Jean? 

Love Nugget: Ron Perlman, 70 years old,  has been married for 38 years, but for the last 3 years has been canoodling with his 47 year old girlfriend, Allison Dunbar. Last week, Ron had a moving van clear out all his stuff while his wife was out of town. Jerk Party of one. Is it me or does Perlman looked like Ted Danson’s great great grandfather. … Funny nugget, Amy Schumer has changed the name of her son to David Gene. He was named Gene and middle named after her mother’s father, Attell. But when you put it together, It sounded like genitalia, so they decided to change it. Probably a good idea. .. That reminds me, wanted to get frisky with my wife Cheryl last night and she pointed out there was a 6 foot distancing in effect, what’s up with that. … Now you can rest easy, Jane Fonda has announced after 42 plastic surgeries, no more.

In case you haven’t heard, with a lot of celebrities out of work, and comedy clubs closed, some celebs have found a new way to make money. Go to There’s a bunch of celebrities who will record personal messages to your loved one or friend and text them the a video. According to how big the star, cost between $50-$500.

Crime and Corona: With empty buildings, restaurants and easy pickings, crime is up 70% in N.Y. And L.A. is letting thousands out of county jail, some held for burglary, rape, assault, attempted murder and some on mental health holds. A lot of felons. … More crime. It Is True, one of those brothers that Jussie Smollett claimed he didn’t know who allegedly robbed and beat him was Smollett’s lover! They first met and hooked up at a gay bath house in Chicago. Smollett will be back in court next month.  

Answer – #4 Beat It, #3 Man In The Mirror, #2 Thriller and #1 Billie Jean.


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