Year: 2020

  • Report for Friday, Oct 30th

    Okay, time for movie reviews. The only movie opening wide today is Come Play. About an autistic boy who spends most of his time on his I-Pad. When he tells his folks, teacher and friends he has a new friend named Larry, that he can only see through his I-Pad, But nobody believes him. Turns…

  • Report for Thursday, Oct 29th

    Movie News: Blame the Coronavirus, it cost millions for a studio to campaign for a movie to win an Oscar and winning an Oscar can also make studios hundreds of millions. But since theaters have been shut down because of the virus, they don’t have the money to campaign for Oscars. So MGM studios have…

  • Report for Wednesday, Oct 28th

    The Dodgers win the Pennant! Because of that, a rare timely Pop Quiz question. The Dodgers were formed in 1886 and were called the Brooklyn Grays, then the Bridegrooms and the Brooklyn Robins, but in 1895 they took on the name Dodgers. Where did the name Dodgers come from? Timely Nuggets: On Monday an England…

  • Report for Tuesday, Oct 27th

    TV News: Show runners are fighting over the TV movie rights of Craig Savage. Savage shot and killed his 24 year old wife, 80 year old mother in law and their dog. One of the most celebrated crimes in England’s history, coming to American Television. … Drew Barrymore’s TV show’s ratings are in free fall…

  • Report for Monday, Oct 26th

    Five Love Nuggets: Kate Beckinsale (47) and her boy toy musician Goody Grace (23) have only been together for a year but it’s ka-put, over, see-ya. Kate called it off and it wasn’t the rumors that Goody had been wondered off the reservation. Kate tells friends she just couldn’t talk to him, a huge generation…

  • Report for Friday, Oct 23rd

    Time for Movie Reviews. Opening today, The Boy Behind the Door. There are actually two boys involved in this kidnapping film that can only be described as blood curdling, harrowing, disturbing, chilling and terrifying. Got the idea? This is the most thrilling, scary and mysterious film to come around in a long time (4 Stars).…

  • Report for Thursday, Oct 22nd

    TV News: Showtime has a biggie coming November 22nd, a great documentary called, Belushi. John Belushi as you’ve never seen before, madman, druggy, comedian and generous. … In Case You Missed it, Bachelorette’s Luke Parker has been sued for $100,000 for breach of contract. All contestants on all reality shows sign an iron clad agreement…

  • Report for Wednesday, Oct 21st

    Sad Love Nugget: Robert Redford has lost two children, the last was his son James who passed from cancer a couple months ago. But you should know Redford reaches out to other parents who have lost a child with calls and letters of condolences. Got lots of TV news starting off with a Netflix Review,…

  • Report for Tuesday, Oct 20th

    Timely news, the election is two weeks from day and Kanye West said he’d spend the stretch of the campaign on the road, campaigning hard for votes. Well he’s on the road alright, he’s in England. How many votes are over there? … The World Series starts tonight and having traveled with the Dodgers for…

  • Report for Monday, Oct 19th

    Love Nugget: 20 years ago, jerk Phil Collins texted Jill Tavelman, his wife of 12 years that he was divorcing her. I laughed out loud when I heard last week Phil’s wife of 13 years, Orianne Cevey, texted Collins she was divorce him! Karma.   Music Review: For years I’ve talked about these over paid,…