Year: 2020

  • Report for Friday, Mar 13th

    Pop Quiz: Yesterday we had the best place to vacation in the entire world according to the Travel Channel. Today, according to Travel and Leisure, these are the top 4 vacation spots in the United States, but which is #1? Is it Austin, Texas; San Antonio, Texas; Honolulu, Hawaii or Taos, New Mexico? Movie Review…

  • Report for Thursday, Mar 12th

    Pop Quiz: Today and tomorrow, the best places to vacation before Coronavirus struck. Today, according to the Travel Channel, these are the 4 best places to vacation in the world, but which is #1? Is it New York City, Rome, Cancun, or Paris? Shocking News: Sleaz is getting 23 years and facing a lot more…

  • Report for Wednesday, Mar 11th

    Pop Quiz: According to The Hollywood Reporter these are the 4 greatest movies of all time, but what’s #1? Is it The Godfather, Citizen Kane, The Wizard of Oz, or Shawshank Redemption? Timely Stuff: Harvey Weinsleaze will be sentenced today, his attorney’s are asking the Sleaze be given 5 years, he could get 29 years…

  • Report for Tuesday, Mar 10th

    Pop Quiz: According to Rolling Stone Magazine, these are the Top 4 television shows of All Time, but what’s #1? Is it Seinfeld, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or Mad Men? Love Nuggets: One sad, one bad, and one’s a fad. The sad is Katy Perry’s grand mother passing. Katy was even closer to her Nana…

  • Report for Monday, Mar 9th

    Pop Quiz: Some folks are college hunting so I thought I’d do some research. These are the Top 4 Ranking colleges in America, but which is #1? Is it Stanford, Harvard, Cal Tech or MIT? Television News: Shocker, Shark Tank was #1 on Friday, beating WWE Smackdown. … Casting news, Modern Family is over but…

  • Report for Friday, Mar 6th

    Pop Quiz: These are the 4 celebrities with the most cash but who is the richest? Is it Oprah Winfrey, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg or Michael Jordan? F.Y.I. this according to public records in 2019. Love Nugget: You’ve heard that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry are expecting a baby. They’ve been dating for 4 years…

  • Report for Thursday, Mar 5th

    Pop Quiz: Yesterday we found out which state had the most millionaires per capita. Today, these are the 4 places that have the most homeless per capital, Hawaii, California, New York State or Washington DC. But who is #1? With Corey Feldman’s documentary called Hollywood’s Pedophiles, about to come out, apparently there are some nervous…

  • Report for Wednesday, Mar 4th

    Pop Quiz: These 4 states have the most millionaires per capita, but which state ranks #1? Is it New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland or Connecticut? Couple of very different Love Nuggets: First, there is a very loud rumor that Brad Pitt will be making an appearance on the Friends Reunion on HBO. I hope it’s true.…

  • Report for Tuesday, Mar 3rd

    Movie History Pop Quiz: These are the 4 actors who have appeared in the most movies, but who ranks #1? Is it Donald Sutherland, James Earl Jones, Lou Gossett Jr. or Christopher Lee? Love Nugget: Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne are on a European tour promoting a book and his latest album. And coming clean about…

  • Report for Monday, Mar 2nd

    Pop Quiz: These 4 celebrities brag they are the worst eaters in Hollywood and admit hating vegetables, but who is the worst eater? Is it Hillary Duff, Jennifer Lawrence, Pink or Emma Stone? Over the weekend stuff. Look I’m just the messenger, but a close friend who works at the CDC swears the Coronavirus is…