Year: 2020

  • Report for Friday, Apr 24th

    Today’s Pop Quiz: I think you’ll be surprised who actually owns the Warner Brothers Studios? Is it Facebook, Microsoft, Google or AT&T? Love Nuggets: Earlier this week I told you that although they were planning a wedding, being forced into lockdown together 24/7 Miley Cyrus and Cody Simpson have become a lot less close. No…

  • Report for Thursday, Apr 23rd

    Today’s Pop Quiz, name the President who’s Secret Service code name was, The Eagle. It is George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton or well, Ronald Reagan? Love Nugget: If you want to call it that, I’ve never liked Val Kilmer. He’s a blowhard, plus his out of control ego. Through a press release…

  • Report for Wednesday, Apr 22nd

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, name the First Lady who’s Secret Service code name, Tranquility. Is it Michelle Obama, Jacqueline Kennedy, Eleanor Roosevelt or Barbara Bush? Head’s up: The biggest class action suit in the history of the world is being put together against China for lying about how, when, and…

  • Report for Tuesday, Apr 21st

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, name the president who’s Secret Service code name was Searchlight. Is it George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Harry Truman or Richard Nixon? Love it when I can tell you about celebrities who are stepping out and quietly going the extra mile to help the Coronavirus cause.…

  • Report for Monday, Apr 20th

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, which one of these Presidents had the Secret Service code name Lancer? Is it John Fitzgerald. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Dwight Eisenhower or Jimmy Carter? Regarding Coronavirus: While sitting at home all weekend, two things occurred to me. First, when I turned back the clock last month…

  • Report for Friday, Apr 17th

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, a lot of us are ordering food for home delivery, according to USA Today, these are the 4 nationally best fastest delivery restaurants, but which is #1? Is it Chick-fil-A, Shake Shack, Five Guys or Chipotle? Theaters are closed for now, but there are a bunch…

  • Report for Thursday, Apr 16th

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, according to Billboard, these were Michael Jackson’s 4 best works, but what is #1? Is it Thriller, Beat It, Man In The Mirror or Billie Jean?  Love Nugget: Ron Perlman, 70 years old,  has been married for 38 years, but for the last 3 years has…

  • Report for Wednesday, Apr 15th

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, these movies were voted the best four horror movies in the past 5 years but which movie was voted the best horror film? Is it Get Out, Us, A Quiet Place or It?  Love Nuggets: Despite rumors to the otherwise, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher insist…

  • Report for Tuesday, Apr 14th

    This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, these were voted the four best social networks, but which one was voted #1? Is it Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or Instagram? Love Nuggets: With the lockdown and quarantine in place for the last month, you mark my words, there’s going to be a huge influx of…

  • Report for Monday, Apr 13th

    This week’s Pop Quiz best + favorite lists. Today, Who was just named the naturally talented funniest man ever, Steve Carrel, Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy or Jim Carrey?  Coronavirus Stuff: My time with Sonny and Cher was over when Chaz was born, but she was a great mom then and that hasn’t changed. She’s 73…