Year: 2020

  • Report for Monday, May 11th

    This week’s Pop Quiz Celebrity List: These are the four celebrities who drive the cheapest car, but who drives the cheapest car? Is it Warren Buffet, Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio or Jennifer Lawrence?  Love Nuggets: Despite what you may have heard, Kim and Kanye have never been closer and in love. Reports to the contrary,…

  • Report for Friday, May 8th

    Today’s Pop Quiz: According to the United Nations, here’s the list of the top 4 most powerful Navy’s in the world with the most sailors and ships, but which country is rated number one? Is it United States, Russia, Japan or China? Love Nugget: So Baltimore Raven Earl Thomas told his wife he was meeting…

  • Report for Thursday, May 7th

    Todays Pop Quiz, according to Smithsonian, here’s the list of the four most important inventions of that last 150 years but what do they say is the most important? Is it light Bulb, the Internet, the computer or the car?  Love Nuggets: Is It True, Simon Cowell had affairs with both Mel B and Heidi…

  • Report for Wednesday, May 6th

    Today’s Pop Quiz, these 4 Presidents have the highest IQ, but which president had the highest? Is it John Kennedy Thomas Jefferson, Bill Clinton or John Quincy Adams? A lot of Coronavirus and Hollywood news and I have a question for you. A three theater chain in San Antonio, Texas opened last weekend and 3,000…

  • Report for Monday, May 4th

    This week’s Pop Quiz, Lists. Today, here’s the new list of the four richest celebrities in the world, but who’s the richest? Is it Tom Cruz, Tyler Perry, Mel Gibson or George Clooney? Love Nugget: Ben Affleck and his very serious new squeeze, Ana De Armas have been hold-up at a cabin like cottage in…

  • Report for Friday, May 1st

    Odd Celebrity Pop Quiz Question: Name the celebrity who says he hates going out in public and never leaves home unless he has too. Say’s he lived his entire life in lock down mode, is it Ricky Gervais, Nick Cage, Garth Brooks or Robert Redford? Another weekend with theaters closed, so three reviews of movies…

  • Report for Thursday, Apr 30th

    Pop Quiz this week, odd celebrity questions. Today, name the celebrity who say’s he has proof of UFO’s exist but will not make his proof public until he retires. Is it Michael J. Fox, Michael Shannon, Russell Brand or Russell Crowe? Old News: New comment, really what’s wrong with V.P. Pence? At the Mayo Clinic…

  • Report for Wednesday, Apr 29th

    Pop Quiz this week, odd celebrity questions. Today, name the celebrity who buys every tabloid and reads all of them cover to cover every week, he’s addicted. Is it Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Bacon, Steve Harvey or Tom Brady? Today is going to be a theme, Updates. Starting with the biggest Movie Money Losers of 2019.…

  • Report for Tuesday, Apr 28th

    Pop Quiz Today, name the celebrity who will be in deposition on Thursday, who’s being sued for copyright infringement and architectural fraud, having to do with the design of his new house. Is it Spike Lee, Steve Martin, Tom Cruise or Billy Joel? Love Nugget: Nobody was surprised that former Chicago Bear quarterback Jay Cutler…

  • Report for Monday, Apr 27th

    This weeks Pop Quiz, odd celebrity questions. Today, name the celebrity who only flushes her toilet every other day, insisting if everybody did that it would save a whopping 10 billion gallons of water a year. Is it Scarlett Johansson, Christina Arugula, Megan Fox or Rihanna?  First things first, a month ago on April 2nd,…