Year: 2020

  • Report for Tuesday, May 26th

    Today’s Pop Quiz: According to Publicist, these are the four most obnoxious celebrities who are total has-beens but who is number one? Is it Steven Seagal, Heather Locklear, David Hasselhoff or Charlie Sheen? Memorial Day and Love Nuggets: Yesterday Ben Affleck, his dog, 3 kids and his hot girlfriend Ana De Armas went to the…

  • Report for Friday, May 22nd

    Pop Quiz: Yesterday I told you Food and Wine Magazines new list of the best celebrity tippers. Today, here’s the new list of the worst celebrity tippers, but who is the very worst? Is it Jeremy Piven, Michael Jordan, Madonna or Usher? Today, it’s all about movies and we start off with The Lovebirds, currently…

  • Report for Thursday, May 21st

    Pop Quiz: According to Food and Wine Magazine, here is the new list of the best celebrity tippers, but who is the current best tipper? Is it Johnny Depp, Russel Crowe, Bill Murray or Drew Barrymore? Coronavirus Updates: Just the facts, here are the W.H.O.’s Top 10 list of countries with the most Coronavirus deaths…

  • Report for Wednesday, May 20th

    Pop Quiz: Yesterday we had Style Magazines best casually dressed celebrities while out in public. Today’s Style’s 4 worst causally dressed celebrities while out in public, but who’s the worst? Is it Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber?  Love Nuggets: Another one bites the dust. Told you month ago Megan Fox’s 10…

  • Report for Tuesday, May 19th

    Pop Quiz: According to Style magazine these are the 4 best causally dressed celebrities while out in public, but who’s the best causally dressed? Is it Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Kendall Jenner or Heidi Klum? Love Nuggets: Over the weekend Jennifer Aniston was spotted wearing that $550,000 engagement ring that Brad gave her and on…

  • Report for Monday, May 18th

    Pop Quiz: These are the 4 celebrities with the most children, including adoptions, but which has the most kids? Is it Eddie Murphy, Mia Farrow, Marlon Brando or Mel Gibson? Since we last spoke, very sorry to hear of the passing of Fred Willard, I loved all his films. He appeared on the Tonight show…

  • Report for Thursday, May 14th

    This Week’s Pop Quiz Celebrity List: These are the four celebrities who live in the most modest homes but name the celebrity who lives in the most modest home? Is it Jennifer Lawrence, Elijah Woods, Warren Buffett or John Krasinski? Coronavirus Stuff: A good friend we call, Brother Of, who I’ve known for 40 years,…

  • Report for Wednesday, May 13th

    This Week’s Pop Quiz Celebrity List: These are the four celebrities who have the biggest car collections, but who owns the most cars? Is it 50 Cent, Michael Jordan, Kanye West or Manny Pacquiao? Love Nuggets: Don’t be surprised if Tobey Maguire (42) marries Tatiana Dieteman (26). This has been one of the biggest kept…

  • Report for Tuesday, May 12th

    This Week’s Pop Quiz Celebrity List: These are the four celebrities who lives in the most expensive homes, but who lives in the most expensive home? Is it George Lucas, Bill Gates, Oprah or George Clooney? Nothing says love like babies and there’s been a lot during this Coronavirus in Hollywood, former Olympian and gold…