Year: 2020

  • Report for Tuesday, June 23rd

    Updated Love Nuggets: Regarding Justin Bieber being accused of sexually assaulting a girl in Austin in 2014. On that night, Bieber was with Selena Gomez all night long. Bieber keeps a very detailed diary and it shows he wasn’t even at the Four Seasons Hotel where the woman say’s it happened and even the manager…

  • Report for Monday, June 22nd

    A love nugget and an Instant Pop Quiz: 45 year old Leonardo DiCaprio and his 23 year old girlfriend Camila are already talking marriage. The quiz, who is Leo’s best friend? Is it California Governor Gavin Newsom, Snowboarder Shaun White, UFC Champion Conor McGregor or Bruce Springsteen? Scoop since we last spoke, a meeting of…

  • Report for Friday, June 19th

    Love Nuggets: The main reason Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock divorced wasn’t infidelity, it was all about Brandon’s jealously of Kelly’s success. He wanted her to stay home in Nashville, she insisted on moving to Hollywood and getting a show. … Congratulations to Hamilton Director Thomas Kail and Michelle Williams on the birth of the…

  • Report for Thursday, June 18th

    How about some TV News. If you’ve never seen Dead to Me, starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini on Netflix, you should check it out. They are currently shooting Season 3. A little sidebar, when I was at KROQ, and Christina was doing Married with Children when she turned 16, and being a big KROQ…

  • Report for Wednesday, June 17th

    Love Nugget: Megan Fox admits she’s now seeing Machine Gun Kelly. Actually, Megan has been dating Kelly for about a year before her recent divorce. They even have their own table at Nobu’s in Beverly Hills. Movie News: Great Biopic has been green lighted, the life story of Arthur Ashe, the only black man to…

  • Report for Tuesday, June 16th

    I want to start with Show Business Business and how really hypocritical Hollywood is. Weinsleaze raped women, gays were discriminated against for years, nobody cared. Now they’re blocking Gone with the Wind? Hello, the movie proved slavery was wrong, the raciest south lost the war! Atlanta was burned to the ground. Hattie McDaniel was the…

  • Report for Monday, June 15th

    Very Odd Love Nugget: Reuters polled 100,000 men from 2000-2018 between the ages of 18-25 and the poll showed 1 in 3 had no sexual activity in the past year. A poll of 50,000 women between 25-34 had even less. I don’t feel so bad. Movie News: First, Knives Out is one of the best…

  • Report for Friday, June 12th

    Love Nuggets: No surprise Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock are divorcing, the handwriting was on wall when they put put their Los Angeles home on the market. Kelly hasn’t spent much time with Brandon for over a year. Kelly has spent most of her time between Nashville and Montana, where she also has a home.…

  • Report for Thursday, June 11th

    TV Review: Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn will air later this year on HBO. The documentary of the infamous Roy Cohn who was responsible for the executions of the WW2 criminals Rosenbergs. Roy Cohn was one of the most evil people who ever lived! He was lead council to the horrible Senator…

  • Report for Wednesday, June 10th

    Biggest female celebrity jerk is Lea Michele. Now a spokes person for a cosmetic brand, Madison Avenue says she’s the most difficult person they’ve ever worked with, even walking out during an interview she was being paid $250,000 to do. A friend I play golf with was the stage manager for Glee and for years…