Month: December 2014

  • Holiday Suprises

    Pop Quiz: On a recent Family Feud, contestants were asked to name a celebrity they wish would just go away forever, who was voted number #1? Was it Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen? Holiday Surprises: Hold on, scoop that those Sony Studio hackers will release some shocking texts on Christmas, and…

  • Bogey is back, Check him out

    My dog Bogey is back from 3 week boot camp. Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who has the most dogs. Is it Miley Cyrus, Miranda Lambert, Selena Gomez or Kelly Clarkson? Love Nuggets: Hope you are not eating but there is a million dollar sex tape offer on the table for Honey Boo Boo’s mama…

  • Chris Rock is a comic genius

    Pop Quiz: In keeping with celebrities and their collections, today, Name the celebrity who collects Star Trek memorabilia. Is it Bill Gates, Brian Williams, Donald Trump or Former President Jimmy Carter? Movie Review: Opens today, Top 5. You forget that Chris Rock is a comic genius. Chris wrote and directed this movie that is a…

  • “It’s A Big Frat Lie”

    Pop Quiz: In keeping with celebrities private collections, name the star who collects Coo-Coo Clocks, has about 300. Is it Britney Spears, Steve Buscemi,  Anne Hathaway or Billy Joel? Odds and Ends: Kris Jenner continues her poor taste, lack or class and poor motherly skills by shopping steamy, suggestive nearly nude photos of daughter Kendal.…

  • Lots of Movie news

    Pop Quiz: This whole week we are talking about celebrities and their collections today, name the celebrity who collects hundreds of Tropical Fish. Is it Tommy Lee Jones, Britney Spears, Michael J Fox or Richard Simons? Movie News: Angelina Jolie directed Unbroken which will be released Christmas Day. True story about Olympian and WW2 Hero,…

  • “Spend it Like Beckham.”

    Pop Quiz: In keeping with celebrities’ private collections, name of the star who collects shoes, he openly admits he’s the male Imelda Marcos with more than 500 pairs of shoes. Is it Justin Timberlake, George Clooney, Johnny Depp or Matthew McConaughey? Odds and Ends: Gaga’s newest deal, she bowls in a league in see through…

  • “Time to Tee What Happens”

    Pop Quiz: All week, questions about celebrities and their collections. Name the star who collects chairs, plans to open a Chair Museum. Is it Michael J. Fox, Jason Alexander, Brad Pitt or James Spader? Odd Love, at a concert in N.Y. Thursday BFF’s, Taylor Swift and her girlfriend Karlie Kloss caught in a steamy kissing…

  • Latest on Cosby

    Pop Quiz: Name the only band who toured in the 70’s that is touring now with the exact same band members. Is it the Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Styx or, Earth, Wind and Fire? Movie Reviews: You might have to look for the 1st film in some markets, but it is worth the search, Wild…

  • New Victoria Secret recruits?

    Pop Quiz: Name the star, that when she was pregnant she had a crazy craving for sauerkraut, ate it every day, bowls of sauerkraut. Was it Pink, Mila Kunis, Beyonce, or Katie Holmes? TV Head’s Up: Tonight on NBC, their annual live broadcast, and it is, Peter Pan, starring NBC’s anchor Brian Williams daughter, Allison…

  • “Final Nail in the Coughlin”

    Pop Quiz: Name the comedian who worked at a newspaper loading trucks at 3AM. Is it Jerry Seinfeld, Arsenio Hall, Chris Tucker or Chris Rock? Boob Report: Is It True Rihanna has text a dozen Hollywood stars suggesting they band together and make Hollywood a sexier place, by all going braless! She wants to make…