Month: September 2014

  • “This Means Wear”

    Pop Quiz: Name the hot star who wants to be a professional photographer and never leaves home without her camera. Is it Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Hudson or Jennifer Garner? TV Note and Shop talk: I did mornings for almost 10 years at KROQ here in Los Angeles and 2 other KROQ alumni’s are…

  • This date in Hollywood History!

    Pop Quiz: What studio is owned by Coca Cola? Is it Universal, Paramount, Columbia or Warner Brothers? TV News: The show Utopia continues to bomb, down to a 0.9. … Also on Sunday, Miss America the biggest Dog Show of the year also bombed. Biggest show in England, Celebrity Big Brother and the winner last…

  • “A Couple of Eco-Maniacs”

    Pop Quiz: There’s been a lot of NFL off-field news, how many NFL players have been arrested since 2000? Is it 330, 530 or 730? Love Nuggets: Jennifer Lawrence has very quietly been seeing Gwyneths ex-Chris Martin, on Thursday they were at the Chateau Hotel, Friday saw a movie in Westwood, Saturday hanging on Santa…

  • Mayweather’s thoughs on Ray Rice story

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who before becoming famous, actually worked in a field cutting tobacco. Was it Bradley Cooper, George Clooney, Andy Dick or Jamie Foxx. Follow-up and most ridiculous quote regarding wife beater, Ray Rice, it comes from felony convicted, wife beater, currently being investigated for beating another woman, illiterate boxer Floyd Mayweather.…

  • NFL’s in big trouble

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who delivered papers from his bicycle. Was it Tom Selleck, Tom Brokaw, Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise? TV News: Fox TV thought spending 35 million dollars on a 52 Week show putting 15 strangers together to start a new civilization was a great idea, but, Utopia is one of the…

  • “Fried Rice!”

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who sold shoes at JC Penney’s before becoming famous. Is it Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O’Donnel or Julie Chen? I have some different items today, all interesting and thought provoking; not all Hollywood but when I get inside scoop, I’ve got to share it with you. Head’s up: A friend with…

  • Dozens of Odds and Ends

    Pop Quiz: Name Heidi Klum’s unlikely BFF, they hang out together all the time and even live in the same building in New York. Is it Mary Kate Olsen, Cher or Jodie Foster? TV News: While Duck Dynasty ratings are really bad here, Duck Dynasty is the number one show in Scotland. … Big Brother…

  • There goes the neighborhood

    Pop Quiz: A comedian got into a cab for a 2 ½ hour ride, and asked the cabbie about his life, the cabbie said he was a saxophone player and the next night was trying out for a band and this could be his last taxi job. The comedian asked where his sax was, cabbie…

  • RIP Joan Rivers

    Pop Quiz: Name the diseased person who was rapper, gangster, thug, Suge Knight’s best friend. Was it Robin Williams, JFK Jr. or George Harrison. With the passing of Joan Rivers all I can say, at 81, she used all the runway; Rest in peace. TV News: On HBO Sunday, the premier of the final season…

  • “Harry Carry”

    A very different Pop Quiz question. Thee True or False questions about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s wedding. 1. True or False: The elaborate Three Layer wedding cake was home made. 2. True or False: Main dish served after the ceremonies was Steak and Eggs. 3. True or False: The wedding was dedicated to all…