Tons of celeb’s at the U.S. Tennis Open this week

Pop Quiz: Name the star who wanted to be an oceanographer, wanted to become the next Jacques Cousteau. Is it Kevin Costner, George Clooney, SamuelL. Jacksonor Bryan Cranston?

Before I forget, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Beil, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston, George and Barbara Bush and the Clinton’s are just a few celebrities who are at the U.S. Tennis Open this week.

TV: Judge Judy is the #1 Daytime show in India, England, Japan, Canada and the U.S., and Judy makes 1.2 million dollars a week. … Hunger Games coming to free TV on the TNT network, July 4, 2015.

Another New York Post headline, the story was about new studies that show it costs $245,000 to raise a child from birth to 18 years, the Post headline screamed, “The Parent Slap”.

Kartrasian Crap: Snot nose Kylie Jenner whining, “I don’t remember when there weren’t cameras in my face, and it’s made my life a living hell.” Hey what about kids who have cancer, no food, no parents, etc. Somebody tell poor little Kylie Jenner to shut the front door. With paparazzi and groupies hanging at the restaurants the Kartrashians hang out in the Hamptons, owners of one establishment have had enough, they put up a sign, Kardashians not welcome, you’re like hemorrhoids, you come and go but always a pain in the butt. Kanye and Kim didn’t want any publicity for their baby, North, threatened the paparazzi but now they want to design, and market a doll in her image.

Finally, don’t know why you would want them but there is an online auction November 7th where among other items, you can buy Madonna’s used underwear.

Answer – Samuel L Jackson.


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