Report for Friday, Mar 29th

This week’s Pop Quiz Theme, American cities and how they rank in good and bad categories. Today, here are the top 4 healthiest cities according to the American Medical Association. Which is ranked first? Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., Arlington or Madison?

Movie Reviews: Beach Bum stars Matthew McConaughey, Snoop Dogg, Jonah Hill, Zac Efron and Martin Lawrence. Other than the soundtrack, there’s no redeeming quality to this horrendous movie. There are some chuckles, but  less is more. Hey, I grew up in Hawaii and California and was one of those beach bums, but this movie just goes overboard to the point of ridiculous! Did I mention, less is more? If you are 25 or younger or stoned out of your mind, its 3 Stars. If you are between 26-35, it gets 2 ½ Stars. But, if you are over 35, forget about it, 1 Star. … Now lets move on to bigger and better movies, Hotel Mumbai is a true story, about the 2008 terrorist attack on a luxury hotel with 1000 guests and 500 staffers running scared for their lives for days. Brutal killers killing everybody they can. Throw in some of the personal stories on both sides and this is a heart stopping, shocking movie you will not soon forget. Go see it. (Rated R) – (2 Hours) – (4 Stars). … And finally, Diane, is playing in limited engagement but it’s worth seeking out, look for it. If you can find Diane, it stars Mary Kay Place as the sweetest, most caring, loving woman who volunteers at homeless shelters, soup kitchen, senior citizen homes and has a Rx infested son. Mary Kay will get an Oscar nomination for Diane. (Rated R) – (2 Hours) – (4 Stars).  By the way, Diane is also available on some streaming and on demand platforms. … And don’t forget I loved the new Dumbo!

Answer – #4 Madison, Wisconsin #3, Washington, D.C. #2 Minneapolis/St. Paul and the healthiest place to live #1 Arlington, Virginia.


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